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Bronchiolitis is a pulmonary infection of the lower respiratory tract that affects children under two years of age caused by viral agents, the most frequent being the Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

In our Salt Caves, we can find benefits for the children who present this painting.


Inflammation occurs in the small and intermediate bronchi, as well as increased mucus secretion, causing partial bronchial obstruction and air trapping.


Typical manifestations include: fever, increased runny nose, cough, faster breaths, and can get to respiratory work by pulling on the muscles below the ribs and making a high-pitched whistling sound, called wheezing, when air is expelled.


With Halotherapy, breathing micronized salt, the salt will exert an anti-inflammatory action on the bronchial walls and increase the fluidity of the mucus facilitating its expulsion by attracting water to the bronchial surface.


All this in a natural non-pharmacological way. Try it and you can see the benefits after a few sessions.


What should we not forget? Discuss our experience in HALOTHERAPY with our doctor. He / She will always take the lead and we must follow their guidelines and advice.


Before respiratory symptoms the recommended number of sessions will be an average of 10-12 sessions and with dermatological problems we speak of 18-20 sessions minimum.


Our recommendation to optimize the evolution is to go as often as possible, not less than three weekly sessions. This is recommended as the start of Halotherapy application, afterwards each person graduates remembrance sessions as needed.


As with any technique, consistency is essential to obtain a good result.

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our salt caves


Será una ayuda no famacológica a diferentes procesos principalmente  de vías respiratorias  y de la piel.

¿Qué  procesos pueden obtener beneficios con la Haloterapia?

...y los niños?

La Haloterapia Controlada es una practica natural aplicable a niños a partir de los tres meses.

Protocolo recomendado

La Haloterapia Controlada se desarrolla en sesiones con protocolos adaptados.

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